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10 ways to hack someone’s FB account and Prevention and Safety Measures!!!


Phishing is the most common technique used for hacking FB passwords. It is easy for anyone who is having little technical knowledge to get a phishing page done and that is why phishing is so popular. Many people become a victim of Phishing page due to its trustworthy layout and appearance.

How phishing works?

In simple words, Phishing is a process of creating a duplicate copy of a reputed website’s page in the intention of stealing user’s password or other sensitive information like credit card details. In our topic, Creating a page which perfectly looks like Facebook login page but in a different URL like or or any URL which pretends to be legit. When a user lands on such a page, he/she might think that is real Facebook login page and asking them to provide their username and password. So the people who do not find phishing page suspicious might enter their username, password and the password information would be sent to the Facebook hacker who created the phishing page, simultaneously the victim would get redirected to original FB page.

For Example : Suman is a programmer, he creates a FB login page with some scripts that enable him to get the username and password information. John put this fake login page in Peter is a friend of John. John sends a message to Peter “Hey Peter, I found a way to make money online easily, you should definitely take a look at this”. Peter navigate to the link and see a Facebook login page. As usual Peter enters his username and password of FB. Now the username and password of Peter was sent to John and Peter get redirected to a money making tips page That’s all Peter’s Facebook account is hacked.

How could you protect yourself from FB phishing?

Hackers can reach you in many ways like email, personal messages, FB messages, Website ads etc. Clicking any links from these messages would lead you to a Facebook login page. Whenever you find a FB login page, you should note only one thing which is URL because nobody can spoof / use Facebook URL except when there are some XSS zero day vulnerabilities but that’s very rare.
  1. What is the URL you see in browser address bar?
  2. Is that really (Trailing slash is important since it is the only separator in Google chrome to distinguish domain and sub domain. Check out the below examples to know the difference)?
  3. Is there a Green colour secure symbol (HTTPS) provided in the address bar?
Keeping these questions in your mind would prevent you from getting hacked of phishing. Also see the below examples of phishing pages.

Social Engineering

This is the second most common technique of hacking Facebook accounts. Actually this method shouldn’t come under Hacking since there is no much knowledge required for this method. I am listing this method under hacking to ensure the list of most common techniques used for FB account hacking in their respective order. Social engineering is basically a process of gathering information about someone whose account you need to hack. Information like date of birth, their mobile number, their boyfriend / girlfriend’s mobile number, nickname, mother’s name, native place etc.

Most Common and Weak Passwords

Security Question does not let you get into others FB account easily. But setting a weak password could easily allow any of your friends to hack into your account. What is a weak password in this scenario? A password☺ which can be easily guessed by a third person is called weak password.  Below are some of the most common passwords people tend to use in Facebook.
  • Mobile Number
  • Nickname / Name and Date of Birth Conjunction
  • Boy Friend’s / Girl Friend’s Mobile Number – Most of the lovers 
  • Boy Friend’s / Girl Friend’s Name – Most of the lovers ðŸ˜›
  • Boy Friend and Girl Friend Name Combination
  • Unused / Old Mobile Number

How could you protect yourself from Social Engineering? 

Security Question

Don’t have a weak or familiar security question/answer. It should be known only to you. You can set your Facebook security question very easily.  Additionally FB provide an option called “Login Alerts” under Facebook Security Settings, you should add your mobile or email there to get notified whenever your Facebook account is logged in to a new or unknown device.

Please feel free to share your comments and feedbacks. Thank you for bearing all my poor grammar mistakes ....and plz comment below. 


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